Downloadable Prayer Books & Prayer Intentions
The Call To Pray
This booklet was given to me by the Holy Spirit to help elevate your physical and spiritual consciousness to the highest forms of prayer. Mental interactive, contemplative prayer grounded in the Holy Spirit. Mind, body and spirit. Meditation, Praying with all your mind, faculties, senses, and spirit. So the soul can find its lover!
Who Loves ya Baby!!!
Apostle of Prayer
This booklet was given to me by the Holy Spirit for the Laity. For all people who make up the body of Christ in all churches. For the children of God who are called to a higher form of prayer. Daily contemplative prayer, grounded in the Holy Spirit for the love of Jesus and the salvation of souls. We will become prayer warriors for the Call to Pray, for the Love of Jesus and the salvation of souls through the out pouring of the Holy Spirit for all our brothers and sisters in Christ. "Go, you are sent forth to witness with love, compassion, and mercy as children of God.
Day the World Changed
This booklet was given to me by God. So we can walk with him through our daily lives, through the Life and Passion of Jesus Prayer. This prayer was given to me when the 911 attack happened on the Twin Towers in New York. This is a prayer booklet to walk with Jesus from conception to resurrection. To receive the out pouring of the Holy Spirit that is promised to all who ask shall receive. For the gift of life, the right for life and the salvation of souls.
This prayer is a Saturday devotion for life. If prayed daily you can pray one or any combination of the Mysteries of Jesus's life. To begin your daily journey every day. For we are called to go forth to witness with love, compassion, and mercy as children of God.
Prayers/Happy Heart
The Call to Pray/Daily Prayer:
To receive our inheritance as children of God! The Gifts of the Holy Spirit; that leads you, protects you and calls you to serve others. To give freely to others what God has given to you. “Love.”
The Holy God Prayers were given to me by the Holy Spirit to help elevate your physical and spiritual consciousness to the highest forms of prayer. Mental interactive prayer, contemplative prayer grounded in the Holy Spirit. Mind, body and spirit, Meditation; Praying with all your mind, faculties, senses, and spirit.
So, the soul can find its lover!
The Promise from our Father
The words that I am sharing come forth from my father, through the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
For all my children who ask for the Holy Spirit and take up the cross of Love every day, will be transformed from one glory to the next and receive their full inheritance as children of God!
This is now our twelfth year to spread the word of God and the Call to Pray. Our lives are always changing as we journey home to our Father. We must be good stewards of the gifts we receive and return love for love. So, lets embark on a new journey to Pray it forward, to share these prayers and the love of the Holy Spirit with all. (see attached prayer booklets and Holy God Prayer leers for 2016-2020). We have been sharing this message from the Holy Spirit. By sending out a Holy God leer at the beginning of every year for the last 5 years! To receive love every day and burn away our false self-created by our flesh to protect ourselves. The Call to Pray is a message from Our Heavenly Father calling all of us to Ask and Receive the Holy Spirit. Each day we receive the Holy Spirit we allow the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth through fire and love 20/20 vision. To awaken anew every day! A baptism of the Holy Spirit. For when we receive love, we can give love. Our life's journey as children of God, becomes a journey of love, compassion and mercy! The prayers listed in this pamphlet are a small sample of prayers that come from the Holy God Prayer book. Which contain 3 prayers, ask and receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, seek and be consoled on the sermon of the mount. Mediation and breathing in the Gift of the Holy Spirit woven into the beatitudes. Like the 10 commandments; the laws we are to live by. These beatitudes are our spiritual commandments to live by! Then we continue, knock and the door will be opened, as we walk with Jesus on the way of the cross. this is an interactive mediation with Jesus to prepare us to go into the world every day!